Monday, September 13, 2010

If You Like More Interactivity in Your Feelings Books...

gladmonsterAnother great way to discuss feelings is to "try on" a variety of emotions and talk about how they feel and what causes them.  Glad Monster, Sad Monster is a book for toddlers and preschoolers that gives kids just such an opportunity.

Glad Monster, Sad Monster shows monsters with a variety of feelings.  The fun part, though, is that each page comes with a tear out mask of that monster displaying his or her feeling.  On the front of these mask pages are questions that can open communication about feelings ("Say what makes you angry," "Can you scare me? Can I scare you?" "Have you ever been sad, too?" "What makes you glad?") There is a pocket in the back to store the masks in when you are done.

This has been a favorite with our family, and the masks get pulled out often, with my 5-year-old son acting out the monster feelings.

See the rest of our Feelings recommendations, too!



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